Food Sources
While many grocery stores have upped their game in terms of healthy options (and you are better off sticking to the produce and fresh meat and seafood counters anyway), there are some great delivery options for specialty items. The ones below are my faves. I've included some of my typical orders from each as well.
Grassfed and pasture raised quality meats
I get the monthly beef box.
Imperfect Produce
Organic (and conventional) produce, semi-local, cheaper than most because they source items the farms can't sell to stores due to imperfections
I get the weekly medium organic box.
Paleo on the Go
Paleo and AIP frozen dinners
Quite expensive but oh, the convenience! I order infrequently and gang up orders for the free delivery.
Associates & Staff
Eduardo Page
Senior Architect
Nina Bennett
Claribel Conroy
Caleb Romero
Senior Designer
Jamie Harris
Senior Designer
Traci Greene
Ana Nikolaidis
Michele Kovacs
Lucas Fletcher
Amir Thakur
Business Development
Santiago Roy
Business Development
Odell Tyner
Business Development
Tom Hogan
IT Manager
Angelica Erickson
Office Manager